In the Beginning....

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

No, I'm not going to share the story of creation from Genesis in this post....but, I am catching up on alot of stuff in this one! I've been doing some blog stalking on some amazing photographers--ya know? seeing how different things are done. So, I thought I'd start posting whenever I have a finished job. I figured it would be a good way for people to see some more variety of my work as well as get to know me better!
So far, I've had a grrrreeeat year with picture taking! I feel like the Lord has really just dropped a bunch of amazing opportunities in my lap for shooting, experiementing, meeting new people, and getting myself out there! I'm loving it! I thought I'd start with the first wedding I shot this year. It's been one of my favorites....
I shot Sarah and Ryan Harmon in Midway, GA back in February. I got the job from a friend I had back in high school who now lives in Richmond Hill (thanks, Lelia!). She's really helped give me some exposure down in that area. Which is great b/c I have family in the Savannah area and I love every chance I get to go down and visit. Anyway, the wedding was located at the Sunbury Crab Co. over the marsh---absolutely beautiful! The couple and their wedding party were sooooo nice and hospitable (true southern hospitality)!

Mrs. Harmon

the Harmons

the fun part