SSI: 2 years

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My anniversary trip was so relaxing and not long enough!! Tony and I spent a couple of days on my favorite island...St.Simons. We stayed at our usual place and celebrated our anniversary dinner at Bennie's Red Barn (yum!) I guess we'll try to make that a tradition since we've done it both years we've shared together. I'm so glad Tony can now experience St.Simons with me and it be something so personal and special to the both of us. So, we shopped, laid out at the pool and beach, ate so much, and spent some much needed away time together.

I still can't believe sometimes that I'm a married woman! I still feel like a kid most of the time. However, I am so grateful for Tony. He loves me in spite of all my short-comings. I never imagined I'd have a relationship like we have. So grateful for 2 wonderful, filled-with-life-lessons married years! I love you, my boo!

Crazy thing is, I didn't bust out my SLR camera not one time while we were away. But, I think that was okay. I think it was a good break. I took these 2 pics on my point and shoot. I had to post the first one b/c it has a story behind it--We found out on monday morning that Lilybelle had peed in Tony's suitcase before we left! So, nonetheless, we spent most of our Memorial day at the laundromat!! I'm glad she wasn't actually with us b/c I might not have her anymore!! Sorry, Tones!

On another note, SCHOOL IS OUT!! It's been a crazy first-year of teaching and bittersweetly it is my last. Tony and I decided that I won't be going back to teaching next year. I never aspired to be a teacher growing up and I know that I was being stretched in all my responsibilities (teaching, youth ministry, & running a photography business) So, now, I will have more time to focus on the business and give my clients more availability. I loved being at our churchs' school, but it was something that I knew I needed to release. I had such a great connection with my 6 little students this year and I will truly miss them! So, now I am just waiting on the Lord for my next step in this crazy life journey......