The Love Revolution

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wanted to give you a short break from the Christmas posts and put up something that's close to my heart. Social justice has always been a passion of mine for a while now. In high school I remember volunteering at our local soup kitchen to fulfill community service hours (no, not from breaking the law--from being a Cheerleader!:) Well, I shouldn't exactly say volunteering more like I volunteered. We were required to do it once or something, but I remember LOVING every part of it. Then, the summer after my senior year of high school I went on a stateside missions trip with my church to Chicago where we stayed with Jesus People USA. That trip made a great impact on my heart and my perspective. I knew I wanted to spend my life serving and helping in some capacity. This eventually led me to graduate Augusta State with a Bachelor's in Social work. In getting my degree I was required to intern at several places that stole my heart :)

Social Justice is not my message or even the message of thousands of others in our world who feel a responsibility to reach out to the broken, hurting, impoverished, hungry,'s the heartbeat of Jesus. The more that I read the scriptures, the more I see how deeply God cares for those who are struggling in different capacities. Yes, maybe some are in challenged situations because of their own choices, but I've most certainly realized the millions out there who are in the situations they are in because of their environments or circumstances outside of their choice. God tells us time and again "The Lord gives righteousness and justice to all who are treated unfairly." Psalm 103:6. He also writes "God holds the high center, He sees and sets the world's mess right." (Psalm 9:7 the MESSAGE)...and He sent His son Jesus do just that!

Okay...enough preachin' huh!? Please check out this amazing, life-altering book! You will not be the same afterwards. It's all about OTHERS!


Some cool quotes from the book (all quote Joyce Meyer, unless otherwise noted)

"We must stop thinking about what we cannot do and begin to do what we can do"

"If I can only relieve someone's pain one time for one hour, it is still worth doing."

Poverty of the heart does not discriminate in it's search to find a home"

"Indifference makes excuses; love finds a way"

"When our love reaches out beyond us we find ourselves aligned more closley with God's right way up." -Martin Smith

"Real, revolutionary love must give itself, for it can never be satisfied to do anything less."


Unknown said...

beautiful post Haley.

Christan Barnett said...

You should be the next writer for the alpha blog....go on girl with ya bad self!

sharon said...

Okay.....I have now gone on and ordered the book. JPUSA also effected me like it did you. Once you see how they serve people, you want to do the same. Thanks for sharing your post and book recommendation.